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My husband makes fun of me because we’d go to breakfast and I’d order like 4 eggs, a little bit of bacon, some pancakes, and a bowl of fruit.

I’m Dara Torres and I’m a 5-time Olympic swimmer. I’m here because I’ve teamed with Celgene and Otezla for the Show More Of You campaign.

When I was training, I ate a lot. Everyone makes fun or teases about Michael Phelps having eaten like 10 or 12,000 calories, which is ridiculous. I don’t think he ate that much.

But when we go to training camps, I would sit with him at breakfast and I could eat just as much as he could. We had early morning workouts at 5:30-6:00 am. My breakfast actually came after I got done training. So I would try to eat maybe a couple bars before I’d go and swim.

It doesn’t seem like a lot. And you don’t want to eat too much because then you get sick to your stomach. So, you kind of had to find a balance.

The bars would sustain me through my training and then when I got done I’d get out — I’m not saying this just because I did a “Got Milk?” campaign — but I always had chocolate milk every time I got out of the pool or before I went to the gym. I just think it’s important to get those proteins in you and it helps you recover.

My husband makes fun of me because we’d go to breakfast and I’d order like 4 eggs, a little bit of bacon, some pancakes, and a bowl of fruit. And I would definitely out eat him under the table. He always jokes about my breakfasts, but I definitely ate a lot when I was training.

I’m not a big calorie-counting person. I don’t go on a scale. I don’t count my calories. I just kind of go off good portions and just healthy eating.

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